Twofold Discovery

Date: 2007.04.01
To the viewers, watching Mr. Liu Shiming’s sculptures could mean a twofold discovery. First of all, let us re-discover a dust-laden master sculptor. 

For decades, Liu Shiming has shunned trendy waves and social visibility. Meanwhile, he has indulged himself in narrating his memories of rustic life in northern China through sculptures.

As is shown in the exhibition, what Liu narrates are his personal, subtle memories, his recollections of mundane life. However, it is because of these genuine and vivid memories that Liu has avoided the pitfalls of hollow and stereotypical ways of making sculptures. Liu’s attitude toward sculpture-making bespeaks his artistic independence and his unique vision of sculptural art.

Also, the viewers could see in the on-going solo exhibition the artistic value of Liu Shiming’s well-rendered sculptures. Liu knows very well about his subjects as he had spent years living in rural China and making friends with Chinese peasants.

When Liu is making a new piece of clay figure sculpture, it is as if the artist were talking to old folks or murmuring to himself about his pastoral years. And that may explain why his clay figure sculptures, done with vivid details, can always win the heart of the viewers for their simple, refreshing and heart-warming visual power.

It takes a little bit more time than usual to appreciate Liu’s sculptural art. So let us slow down our steps and take a careful look at each of the works presented here in the solo show.

Many people in our time are driven by the anxiety for shorter time and greater speed in finishing things. 

But when they come to art shows, like Liu Shiming’s solo, they need to slow down and calm down. 

Because only in doing so can they gain a deep insight into the fine art and that is also the right way to pay respect to the devoted creators of the artworks.